Dota 2 WTF Moments 151

This Dota 2 WTF Moments Clip Features:

Clockwerk Pushes Roshan up a Cliff, The Other Team Fails to Kill him Multiple Times - Later Clockwerk Pushes Roshan Back and his Team Kills him - Comeback is Real!

Skywrath Mage Baits Invis Bounty Hunter

Gyrocopter Takes a Tank Creep with Helm of Dominator and Rolls in the Roshan Pit where the Enemy Team just Finishes the Kill - The Tank Denies the Aegis and the Cheese

Rubick Tries to Push Magnus up a Cliff and Fails - Magnus Runs up by Himself

Shadow Fiend Rampage with a Single Ulti after Magnus Pushes all 5 Enemies to Him