Tag Archives: terrorblade

Dota 2 WTF Moments 188

This Dota 2 WTF Moments 188 Clip Features:

Triple Blademail Kills Tinker by Reflecting the March of the Machines (0m12s)

Riki Steals Gem of True Sight from Enemies Fountain (0m53s)

Spirit Breaker Targets a Creep to Escape from 2 Enemy Heroes, but when the Creep Falls, he Returns to them (2m00s)

Bristleback Pops his Blademail before Invis Shadow Fiend Casts his Ulti - Shadow Fiend Dies, but Bristle had no Vision before - Strange! (2m52s)

Rubick Stole Spirit Breaker´s Charge and Runs at him, Spirit Breaker Flees with his own Charge, but ends up beeing Stunned by Roshan when Passing the Pit and Dies (3m49s)

Meepo Kills AFK Faceless Void, FV Bitches About it and Meepo let Void Kill him in Return - True Friends (4m43s)

Earthshaker Kills himself with his Ulti because of Blademail (6m00s)

Terrorblade Swaps his Health in the Moment of Lion´s Finger of Death (6m31s)

Techies Suicide Bomb on Nature´s Prophet is Useless because of Ghost Scepter (7m10s)

Please Explain? (7m50s)

Dark Seer Vacuum and Wall of Replica Combo Rampage! (8m06s)

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Dota 2 WTF Moments 183

This Dota 2 WTF Moments 183 Clip Features:

Sick Comeback of Dire after Radiant Domination (0m12s)

Axe Baits Invisible Riki with Item Drop (2m31s)

Enigma Pops BKB before Getting Fucked by Shadow Fiends Ulti and Traps him in the Black Hole (3m02s)

Retard Magnus as Breaks the Wombo Combo (3m56s)

Axe Slaughters Earthshaker at the End of his Jump (4m58s)

Nature´s Prophed Killed by Shadow Fiend - After Respawn he Teleports back into Shadow Fiend´s Ulti and Dies Again (5m27s)

Terrorblade uses Helm of the Dominator to Deny himself in a fight with 4 Enemies - Pro!  (6m44s)

Clockwerk Casts a another Power Cogs to Keep the Enemies Away and Escapes (7m46s)

Instant Phoenix Kill when he Dives at PA (8m17s)

Well-played Enigma Rampage (8m50s)

Dota 2 WTF Moments 145

This Dota 2 WTF Moments Clip Features:

Enigma, Crystal Maiden and Earthshaker Ulti for Terrorblade Illusion

Earth Spirit Rolls into Charging Spirit Breaker

Techies Baits Anti Mage with Courier - What Seems to be an Easy Kill Ends up in an Explosion

Enigma Fucks up Black Hole Twice

Tusk Rampage while Retreating