Tag Archives: Undying

Dota 2 WTF Moments 184

This Dota 2 WTF Moments 184 Clip Features:

Bug in the Predictions Function (0m12s)

Lich Puts Three Chains Frosts on Ancients and Kills Axe when he Comes near them (0m59s)

Anti Mage Heals Again and Again and Kills Bloodseeker in the End (1m46s)

Anti Mage Doesn´t See the Danger Coming (2m32s)

Bat Rider Pulls Enemy Courier with his Lasso (3m19s)

Rubick Steals Chronosphere and Turns the Tables (4m20s)

Slardar and Bloodseeker Kill Roshan but are Scared away by Undying´s Zombies after he Falls. EZ Aegis Snatch (5m11s)

Pudge Wants to Save Phantom Assassin with a Hook - But she Teleports to Him and he Hooks Sand King with his Ulti instead - Both Die (6m05s)

Double Hook Fail by Pudge - At Least Nice Deny (7m22s)

Luna Rampage (8m17s)

Dota 2 WTF Moments 152

This Dota 2 WTF Moments Clip Features:

Pudge Hooks Magnus at Rune Spawn - Magnus Pushes Pudge back Down and Rips him with his Team Mates

Horrible Magnus Fail when he Fucks up the Skewer after Reverse Polarity - Shadow Fiend was already Waiting 🙁

Lifestealer with Radiance and Pudge with his Toxic Cloud Infest and Ancient and Kill 3 Enemies at the Roshan Pit with their Insane Damage over Time

Tank Taken over by Helm of the Dominator Kills 2 Low Health Enemies after a Teamfight

A Lot of Gravestones From Undying with Refresher

Legion Commander Tries to Keep an Enemy from Destroying the Ancient by Duelling him - Team Mate Pudge Prevents that with a Hook and the Ancient Falls

Ancient Apparation Rampage with a Single Ulti from the Fountain