Tag Archives: Bounty Hunter

Dota 2 WTF Moments 158

This Dota 2 WTF Moments Clip Features:

Pudge Counters Kunkka´s X with a Sick Hook (0m12s)

Tinker Killed at the Roshpit after Fighting there too Long (0m51s)

Mirana Misses her Sacred Arrow, but Phoenix Flies Right into it (1m15s)

Pugna Escapes from Noob Ember Spirit (1m40s)

Now Tinker got the Aegis...(2m15s)

Nyx Puts Ghost Scepter on Sniper, which is Instantly Killed by nearby Invis Bounty Hunter (2m30s)

Quite Stupid Ursa Blink (2m45s)

Juggernaut Escapes From 3 Enemies with Omnislash (3m25s)

Sand King Rampage (4m05s)

Dota 2 WTF Moments 127

This Dota 2 WTF Moments Clip Features:

Sniper Faggot Denies Phoenix Before Supernove Resurrection

Usain Bolt Bloodseeker Runs Faster then Charging Spirit Breaker

Shadow Fiend vs Neutral Creep

Clockwerk Glimpsed out of Power Cogs

Another Retard Tiny Throws his Team Mate in the Death Zone - This Never Gets Old

Faceless Void Dodges Lina and Lion Ulti Combo

Bounty Hunter Ultra Long Range Shuriken Toss Kills Juggernaut after Teleport with Io

Nice Elder Titan Rampage